I just woke up from a very long nap.
I came back at i forgotten what time and i slept all the way until 8.30pm.
I feeling very hungry so currently I'm eating Potato Chips &the potato chips taste like YUCKS.
While sitting outside after school just now,mum messaged me telling me to go home early and take care of my other 2 siblings.
They have the HFMD yes,red spots on their hands and legs along with ulcer.
Poor little kids who ask them not to wash their hands and legs after play.!
But the virus will only spread to children are under 12, so most likely my parents Nadia and me would have the less chance of getting it.
Oh well, i heard there is is rumors going around about me.
Ha, rumors..is so fake!
Rumors is just to bring down the person's reputation.
Well, basically i don't care.
I can now feel they way i never feel before.
Well, go ahead and think another way or what way you want.
Cause the truth is with me.
fuck the fuckers you asshole!

Well,another boring school day all i can remember is that i listened to my ipod all the way with the maximum volume, friends played with plastic glove and fill it up water and throw it up to the fan then the glove would burst,innocent people get wets.Last period which suppose to be remedial but the whole class dismiss ourselves early and went all around the school cause we are not allow to leave the school before 2.
I have this DISLIKE feelings about school, i agree with my friend's MSN nick say"SCHOOL SUCKS" and i 100% agree with her.
Right now I'm feeling very hungry and i can't carry on feeling hungry cause i know its very bad for my health.
I think I'll blog till here, I'm feeling very weak and giving up in almost everything.

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